AutoPASS discounts with your SkyttelPASS tag
The SkyttelPASS tag is an AutoPASS-approved tag that provides you with every AutoPASS discount on road tolls and ferry journeys in Norway.
Private and business vehicles up to 3500 kg or in group M1 receive the following discounts:
- 20% on all AutoPASS toll road charges
- 10% on journeys with ferries in the AutoPASS for ferry scheme and on Torghatten Sør Moss-Horten
- 40-50% on ferries in the AutoPASS for ferry scheme upon creating the additional AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement
- 30% discount on ferries between Moss-Horten upon creating the additional Torghatten Sør agreement
- Hourly discounts and monthly caps in all toll ring areas and toll road points that offer these
More than just AutoPASS discounts
At SkyttelPASS, we work to offer you better solutions. In addition to AutoPASS discounts, you also receive:
- No monthly tag fees
- Extra discounts with additional agreements in Norway and Europe
- Advantages and discounts from our partners
- On of Norway’s best customer service centres
- Tailor made agreements for large businesses, including public agencies

Save money on your ferry journeys with the SkyttelPASS tag
Our AutoPASS-approved tag automatically provides you with a 10% discount on journeys with most ferries in Norway, including Torghatten Sør Moss-Horten.
By creating the additional AutoPASS for ferry prepayment agreement, you will receive a 40-50% discount.
By creating the additional Torghatten Sør agreement, you will receive a 30% discount between Moss-Horten.
Large businesses save time and money with SkyttelPASS
Among the advantages of having a tailor-made agreement are:
- Better overview and easier administration
- Every available AutoPASS discount on road tolls and ferries for your type of vehicle
- Hourly discounts and monthly caps for vehicles in rate groups 1 and 2
- Discounts on the Øresund Bridge and Great Belt Bridge
- Integration with 3D tracking Autobok, Abax Driving Behaviour and Tracksys
- Split invoicing and accounting integration that will save up to 80% of time spent on administration of road toll and ferry charges

What do our customers say?
The SkyttelPASS agreement has given us a much better overview and made work significantly easier for Nor-log's employees compared to the solution that was previously used.
On My Page, I get a full overview of my toll charges and invoice details. Here, I can also easily change vehicles on my agreement and which vehicle my tag is connected to, something I struggled to do with my previous tag issuer. The times I have contacted SkyttelPASS customer service, I feel I have received good service from committed employees.
With SkyttelPASS, we receive all our vehicles’ road toll transactions directly in our Visma accounting system. I estimate we will save as much as 80% of the time we previously spent on administrative work on road toll handling. I have been a road toll customer for 20 years and have never experienced this kind of innovative can-do.
Splitting invoices has provided our work with a clear overview and more efficiency, as the costs associated with road tolls are addressed to the correct areas in the agency. We want to spend as little time as possible on such administration and have achieved this with our agreement with SkyttelPASS.
The SkyttelPASS agreement has given us a much better overview and made work significantly easier for Nor-log's employees compared to the solution that was previously used.
News magazine

– Må gi motvekt til krefter som kan velte likestillinger i arbeidslivet
Den 8. mars setter Skyttel og SkyttelPASS ikke bare søkelys på likestilling for kvinner på arbeidsplassen. Selskapene jobber nemlig målrettet for at likestilling skal gjelde alle områder av sine ansattes arbeidsliv, og mener dette er spesielt viktig i en verden der flere land og virksomheter i dag ser en tilbakegang.

Viking TIF gjør helomvending og nærmer seg eliteserien!
På denne tiden i fjor kjempet herrelaget i håndball for å unngå nedrykk. Lørdag 14. desember spiller Viking TIF igjen et av lagets viktigste kamper – men denne gangen på stikk motsatt ende av skalaen.

Her er de nye takstene og bomstasjonene for 2025
Det kommende året ser det ikke ut til å skje så mye i landets bompengeprosjekter som det gjorde i 2024. Vi ser derimot fortsatt prisøkninger flere steder, og noen flere bomstasjoner.

Over 8 millioner steg for Rosa sløyfe!
Da 27 av de ansatte hos Skyttel og datterselskapet SkyttelPASS ville delta i felles Rosa sløyfe-utfordring, var målet å nå fem millioner steg sammen i oktober. Dette målet ble ikke bare nådd, men totalt overgått!

Slik fungerer timesregelen der du bor
Timesregel for AutoPASS-bompasseringer gjelder ikke likt overalt. SkyttelPASS har derfor undersøkt hvordan regelen fungerer i de forskjellige bompengeprosjektene hos landets fem bompengeselskaper. Her kan du lese mer om hvor – og når – timesregelen virker der du kjører.

Tracksys: – Med SkyttelPASS kan vi gi våre flåtekunder helt nøyaktige bompenge- og fergedata
Flere av tjenestene i administrasjonsløsningen for flåtestyring som Tracksys tilbyr sine kunder, er lovpålagt for kunden å ha. Derfor er rask og korrekt levering av data om kundens bompasseringer og fergereiser også svært viktig.